Titanium products are hot online

Every disaster that mankind encounters will promote the progress of social civilization and the emergence of new technologies, new cultures, and new lives. In the year of the Gengzi, the spread of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic around the world will more or less change people's work, study and lifestyle, and allow humans to find a suitable scientific civilization in the epidemic prevention and war.

Distance education, online office, online marketing, and the gradual replacement of artificial intelligence by robots will all gradually develop after the epidemic, and the market potential is huge. In the face of the epidemic, the offline sales of physical stores plummeted. Shenzhen Extreme Titanium increased the “cloud post cloud management” online office and home office online sales model after the Spring Festival, and achieved good results. Extreme Titanium has been increasing its online sales efforts for nearly 2 months, and the results are quite good. JD.com and Tmall have good performances. Amazon North America and Japan stations have been opened, and the European station process is currently being processed. General Manager Wang Jun said that the impact of the ultimate titanium industry epidemic has gradually recovered. From the perspective of online marketing of "cloud post cloud management", it is expected that the marketing income of the ultimate titanium industry will remain stable and rise in 2020.

In pursuit of "online marketing", the reporter interviewed titanium civilian life products companies such as Extreme Titanium, Jiangsu Sino, Disheng Metal and Shun Titanium, and found that the online fever of titanium products "yinyangyangyang" appeared after the epidemic. The online sales of Extreme Titanium have reached a new level. Wu Yujun, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Xinuo, said that many physical store sales are greatly affected by the epidemic, but online sales seem to be a "bulge", accounting for more than 70%. Wu Yujun said that since Jiangsu Xinuo ’s cup and pot products have become famous in China, the increase in online marketing has set off an “online shopping fever”. In addition, before the Spring Festival, 60 cities across the country also promoted the promotion of Jiangsu Xinuo “filial piety cup home” "Publicity and creativity have further promoted online sales to a higher level; Hu Juan, head of sales at Disheng Metal, introduced that Disheng Metal will increase online marketing and focus on branding. The product marketing currently launched on Jingdong and other websites The model has already attracted the attention of customers; Wu Zhihong, general manager of Heshun Titanium Industry, said that online sales of the company ’s products are better than that of the same period of last year. He said that in the future, online sales will be increased and the model of "overall advancement and single product attack" will be adopted.

Through tracking and understanding of online sales, the reporter found that the epidemic is changing how people make work faster, more convenient and easier to learn, and some software companies are increasing the development and improvement of online software in all walks of life, spawning new technologies and gathering new forces. To advance social civilization.

Titanium products are hot on the line. The epidemic changes the future, and the future needs to change. In the process of fighting disasters and overcoming disasters, mankind will definitely push the society forward and improve the civilization of human life.